The logo for athena legacy solutions is blue and silver

Life Vision Process

Our Life Vision Process was shaped by client feedback, prompting us to enhance our

services. We established a Client Advisory Board, composed of select clients, to provide

valuable insights into our strategic direction and service offerings. Their input benefits all clients, and we are thrilled to share the positive impact their contributions have had, seamlessly integrating strategic direction, client experiences, and our services.


EnvisionING Your


Every successful journey begins with a clear destination. Our discovery process will guide you in envisioning the future, helping us identify the resources needed to support your Life Vision. By crafting a detailed vision, we’ll ensure mutual clarity on your aspirations and establish a strong foundation for building the life you desire.



the past

We begin by exploring the journey that brought you to your current situation. Together, we’ll examine your investment decision-making process and your family’s experiences with money. What do you consider your best and worst investments? How have life experiences and personal influences shaped your financial choices? As part of this reflection, we’ll also review your current assets and liabilities and assess your risk tolerance.



With a clear understanding of your goals and past decisions, we’ll identify the resources and actions required to achieve your objectives efficiently. We’ll also explore alternative paths to your vision—whether that means increasing savings, adjusting your retirement timeline, downsizing your home, or purchasing a vacation property.



We’ll design a tailored investment portfolio that integrates diverse strategies and products to help you achieve your goals efficiently. Each account and strategy will serve a specific purpose, providing clear objectives to monitor progress effectively.


DEVELOPING Contingency plans

Life can be unpredictable, bringing challenges like early retirement, unexpected expenses, or sudden illness. Together, we’ll explore “what if” scenarios and create risk mitigation strategies to ensure you stay on course, no matter what uncertainties arise.



Financial stability is influenced by many factors. We’ll collaborate with your other professional advisors to align tax planning, estate planning, and liability insurance with your Life Vision, ensuring every aspect works together seamlessly.


Action STEPS and Implementation

We’ll create a detailed action plan that outlines the steps required to execute your financial roadmap and turn your Life Vision into reality.


Ongoing Monitoring and FINE TUNING

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments

Planning is an ongoing process with inevitable twists and turns. We’ll regularly review your plan and make adjustments as needed, accounting for life events and market fluctuations that may require us to refine our approach.

A woman is walking down a wooden walkway to the beach.

A Bright Future Ahead


Your Life Vision and aspirations are uniquely yours, and achieving them demands focused attention. Partnering with us means aligning the different facets of your life to develop a clear, comprehensive plan. By integrating your current circumstances with your family’s dreams and goals, we’ll create a strategic roadmap that brings your vision to life.

Are you ready to take the next step?

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